Le biblioteche di Rovolon e Veggiano partecipano all’International Games Day che quest’anno si terrà sabato 19 novembre 2016, con eventi organizzati ad hoc da ognuna.
L’International Games Day @ your library è una giornata in cui la biblioteca proporrà delle iniziative legate ai giochi ed eventi adatti e tutta la famiglia.
Per il programma dettagliato si vedano i rispettivi siti, qui per Rovolon e qui per Veggiano.
Riportiamo qui di seguito la spiegazione dell’evento ufficiale (per gli anglofoni):
“International Games Day @ your library is an annual celebration of games, play, libraries and learning that any library in the world can join, and costs absolutely nothing to register for!
IGD@yl has only the most flexible of entry requirements – you have to have some sort of game-related activity in or around your library, on or around the official date, which in 2016 is Saturday November 19. That’s all! The games can be videogames on a library console, tabletop games, social games, party games, traditional folk games – whatever you think will work for your individual library and community.
Registration involves filling out a questionnaire at (coming soon) that tells us a bit about your library and your plans for the day, and then gives you information about the donation options available to your library. You can also sign up for some international inter-library events that will give your community the chance to connect to other library communities all over the world.
Speaking of which – this is literally a world-wide event, with libraries on ALL SEVEN continents participating last year. Yes, that does include Antarctica! How’s that for a great way to spark conversations about the importance, power and ubiquity of libraries?
International Games Day @ your library is a non-commercial, volunteer-run library initiative auspiced by the American Library Association in partnership with the Australian Library and Information Association and Nordic Game Day, and sponsored by a number of quality game publishers and distributors.
In 2017, International Games Day @ your library will be on Saturday, November 19.”
Fonte: http://igd.ala.org